il ira - he will go, il sera - he will be, il viendra - he will come, il aura - he will have, il fera - he will do/make, il verra - he will see, il devra - he will have to, il pourra - he will be able to, il voudra - he will want, il saura - he will know, il enverra - he will send, il recevra - he will receive, il pleuvra - it will rain, il faudra - it will be necessary, il deviendra - he will become, il reviendra - he will come back, il courra - he will run, il achètera - he will buy, il appellera - he will call, il nettoiera - he will clean,

Bien dit 3 - Grammaire 2.1.1 - Verbs with irregular future stems





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