Spending per pupil - The average amount of money a school district spends to educate one student for one year. , school funding gap - Challenge that occurs in school districts with lower levels of income from property taxes; tends to be in urban areas that often have a higher proportion of students who are from low-income families and need a higher level of services. , Corporate-education partnership - An expanded and more formal relationship between schools and businesses, especially large corporations, in which the businesses "adopt" the schools to help in a variety of ways. , Zero tolerance policy - The prohibited behaviors and actions that schools will not tolerate- no exceptions. , Expulsion - When a student loses the right to attend school for a specified period of time. , at risk - Students or groups that have characteristics or experiences that make them more likely to fail academically., mentor - An adult expert who commits to a long-term relationship with a student to provide support, guidance, and help. , intimidation - real or implied threats. , cyberbullying - Intimidation through email, social networking sites, and texting. , conflict resolution - Skills that can help students learn how to state their need, negotiate, and collaborate. ,





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