1) The best way to meet people at a business or social function is to: a) Head for the food immediately upon arrival. b) Check your Facebook messages on your phone. c) Look confident, stand in the center of the room and wait for someone interesting to approach you. d) Introduce yourself to a person standing alone or to large groups. e) Stick close to this you know very well and forget about the rest. 2) If you have to introduce two people and you can't remember one person's name, you recover by saying: a) "Do you know one another?" b) "I can't remember your name. Will you introduce yourself?" c) Nothing and hope they will introduce themselves. d) "It's been one of those days. Please tell me your name again." e) Nothing and doing nothing. After all, you don't want to embarrass yourself or others. 3) When making a professional introduction, you: a) Wing it. b) Introduce the person with a lower job position first. c) Introduce the person with a higher job position first d) Don't do anything. They are responsible for introducing themselves to one another. 4) When expressing thank you to someone who has given you a gift, you: a) Send an email because it is faster and more efficient. b) Send a handwritten note. c) Pick up the phone and call within 72 hours. d) Consider a verbal thank you enough. 5) When you are dining with someone and your cellphone rings, you: a) Answer it within two rings and keep the call brief. b) Ignore it and pretend someone else's phone is ringing. c) Apologize and turn the phone on silent mode. The person you are with takes priority. d) Apologize, step away from the table and take the call in the restroom. 6) When you are dining in a restaurant and you accidentally drop your fork on the floor, you: a) Pick it up, wipe it off and use it anyway. b) Pick it up, give it to the server and ask him/her to bring you another one. c) Leave it on the floor and ask the server to bring you another one. d) Leave it on the floor and use your neighbor's fork while he/she isn't looking. 7) At dinner, when you notice the person on your left eating the roll from your bread plate, you: a) Tell him he made a mistake and then ask for your roll back. b) Don't say anything and eat the roll from your other neighbor's plate. c) Ask the server for another roll and use the side of your dinner plate. 8) If you have a morsel of food lodged in your teeth and you want to remove it, you: a) Take your knife when no one is looking and remove the morsel promptly with the blade. b) Raise your napkin to your mouth and discreetly use a sugar packet or your business card to remove the morsel. c) Politely ask your server for a toothpick. d) Excuse yourself and go to the restroom to pick your teeth in private. 9) When you bite into a piece of meat that is tough and very difficult to chew, you: a) Pretend to wipe your mouth and deposit the piece of meat in your napkin. b) When no one is looking, discreetly use two fingers to remove it and place in on the edge of your plate. c) Swallow it and hope you don't choke. 10) When you are finished eating, your napkin should be: a) Folded loosely and place on the right side of the plate. b) Folded loosely and placed on the left side of the plate. c) Folded loosely and place on the center of the plate.
Building Tomorrow's Leaders Etiquette Quiz
7th Grade
8th Grade
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
Social studies
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