Authoritarian: Rigid, controlling, Demanding , Punitive, Unreasonable expectations , Adult-like jobs, chores , Parent always right , Parent makes decisions , Little affection, warmth, Unexpressed ideas, feelings, Parent in control , Little encouragement, praise , Parent clearly in charge , Authoritative/Democratic: Firm guidelines, Flexible boundaries, High level of communication , Respects ideas, feelings, emotions , Mutual respect , Teamwork, give-and-take, Parent accepts uniqueness , Allows for mistakes , Reasonable expectations , Healthy role modeling , Encourages independence, Permissive: Affectionate, Parent avoids control , High level of nurturing, communication , Few rules, guidelines , Inconsistent , Parent easily frustrated, Few demands , Few social rules , Obedience is not encouraged, Few expectations , Uninvolved: Does not provide children with guidance, Has low parental demands, Low/no response to child’s requests or needs, Delinquent behavior,





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