Shabbat - Day of rest or sabbath, Kiddushin - Jewish marriage ceremony, Torah - 5 books of Moses; sacred text, Covenant - Binding agreement, Shofar - Ram's horn, Israel & Judah - Kingdom split around 922 BCE - 722 BCE, Exodus - Moses led the Israelites out of enslavement in Egypt, Ark of the Covenant - The Temple was built to house this, David - 2nd king of Israel who united the 12 tribes and began building the Temple, Solomon - David's son; finished the Temple, Rabbi - Leader and teacher of worship, 1. the relationship between God and mankind   - Judaism focus: , code of ethics - moral values; live your life in a moral, right way., Mount Sinai  - Moses speaks to God and is given The Ten Commandments., Hanukkah - 8 day celebration to rededicate the sacred temple , Western Wall - Ancient portion of the original portion that destroyed. , Talmud  - the body of Jewish civil and ceremonial law and legend comprising the Mishnah and the Gemara. There are two versions, Exile - to be forced out of their home country and is now living somewhere else., Diaspora - Jews forced out of their ancient ancestral homeland and their subsequent settlement in other parts of the globe., Synagogue - building where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religious worship and instruction.,

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