renewable - Wind, solar and hydro are all types of _________ energy, sun - A disadvantage of solar energy - it does not work when there is no ___, wind - A disadvantage of wind energy - it does not work when there is no ___, power - The quantity of energy transformed every second is known as the _____ rating of an appliance, joule - The unit of energy, electromagnet - A type of magnet that can be switched on and off, battery - An electromagnet needs coils of wire, a switch and a _______ to work, switch - A digital input device that can be "on" or "off", loudspeaker - An analogue output device that converts electrical energy into sound, ammeter - A device that measures current in a circuit, resistance - Ohm's Law: __________ = voltage / current, moving - In a gas the particles are constantly ______, decreases - As a car tyre cools down, its volume ________, heat - In the furnace of a coal power station, chemical energy is changed into ____ energy, generator - In a power station, kinetic energy is changed into electrical energy in this part, efficiency - If a lot of energy is "lost" e.g. as heat, a device has a low percentage __________, transformer - An electric device that changes the size of a voltage, series - Total resistance equals the sum of individual resistances in this type of circuit, digital - A relay is this type of output device, LDR - An analogue input device whose resistance changes with light brightness,

N4 Physics - E&E revision wordsearch





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