chronic - continuing or occurring again and again for a long time, chronicle - a description of events in the order they happened, chronological - arranged in the order that things happenened, chronometer - a watch or clock that measures time precisely, synchronize - to cause things to agree in time or make things happen at the same time or speed, planetarium - a building or room in which images of stars, planets, etc. are shown on a high, curved ceiling, aquarium - a glass or plastic container in which fish and other water animals and plants can live, emporium - a large retail store, especially one selling a great variety of articles, assessment - the act of making a judgment about something; the result of an evaluation, amendment - a change in the words or meaning of a law or document (such as a constitution); a change made by correction, addition or deletion,

Lesson 11 - chron, arium, orium, ment







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