1) What happening in this picture? a) Halloween Party b) Christmas dinner c) Easter egg hunting 2) What is this kid doing? a) studying b) limbo c) trick or treating 3) What is happening here? a) she is painting b) pin the tail on the donkey c) surgery 4) What is this person doing? a) hitting a piňata b) the chicken dance c) standing in line for a concert 5) What game are they playing? a) red rover b) spin the bottle c) musical chairs 6) What game are they playing? a) someone dropped his retainer b) bobbing for apples c) fishing 7) What game are they playing? a) fishing for a prize b) hide n seek c) scavenger hunt 8) What activity is happening here? a) studying for finals b) Christmas shopping c) scavenger hunt 9) What are they doing? a) hide and seek b) capture the flag c) tug of war 10) What do you think is happening here? a) costume party b) Cleopatra's wedding c) they are doing their taxes 11) What do you think this is? a) a lovely place to stay b) bed and breakfast inn c) haunted house 12) What is this? a) shopping mall b) hospital c) carnival 13) What are they making? a) vegetable soup b) punch c) witches brew 14) Would you eat this? a) liver and onions b) worms in dirt c) brains 15) Also, would you eat this too? a) brain cake b) wedding cake c) cupcake 16) Can you tell me what this is? a) ladies on a shopping trip b) sailors in a boat c) aliens in their spaceship 17) What are these kids doing? a) trick or treating b) vandalizing a yard c) going through a haunted house 18) What is happening here? a) playing with toys b) investigating a haunted house c) rollercoaster ride 19) What are they doing? a) cake walk b) bowling c) skipping stones 20) What is in this picture a) spooky ghosts b) the Blues brothers c) your mom






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