1) How did this make you feel? a) excited b) Angry c) Happy d) thoughtful 2) How many shapes do you see? a) 5 b) 15 c) 62 d) 178 3) How does this picture make you feel? a) happy b) confused c) hungry d) Green e) colorful 4) What do you think this picture represents? a) a forest b) Green animals c) Time d) music 5) How does this picture make you feel? a) happy b) confused c) hungry d) Green e) colorful 6) What do you think of when you see this picture? a) Noodles b) A giraffe c) Fine Art d) The Lorax e) The Grich 7) Can you see the hidden picture in this piece of art? a) Yes b) No c) Maybe 8) What kind of day does this make you feel like? a) A hot day b) A cold day c) A school day d) A day off 9) What does this make you feel like? a) A boat b) Going to the country c) Going to school d) A day off e) Taking a train 10) What cartoon character do you see? a) Jerry Mouse b) Homer Simpson c) Mickey Mouse d) These Guys

Art Show!





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