1) Towards the tail a) Rostral b) Ventral c) Cranial d) Caudal 2) Towards the head a) Dorsal b) Planter c) Caudal d) Cranial 3) Bearer the belly of the animal a) Lateral b) Medial c) Distal d) Ventral 4) Nearer the back of the animal a) Dorsal b) Distal c) Caudal d) Proximal 5) The bottom surface of the front paw. a) Distal b) Palmer c) Caudal d) Rostral 6) Further from the body (only used for structures on the limbs) a) Caudal b) Palmer c) Dorsal d) Distal 7) Closer to the body (only used for structures on the limbs). a) Rostral b) Ventral c) Proximal d) Palmer 8) Towards the muzzle a) Dorsal b) Planter c) Rostral d) Caudal 9) Closer to the midline a) Distal b) Medial c) Planter d) Lateral 10) Further away from the midline a) Lateral b) Planter c) Dorsal d) Caudal 11) rgw borrom surface of the hind paw. a) Rostral b) Medial c) Distal d) Planter

Directional Veterinary Terminology Game Show





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