1) What is the name of this symbol and how many beats does it get? a) half note, 1 beat b) half note, 2 beats c) quarter note, 1 beat d) quarter note, 2 beats e) quarter rest, 1 beat f) whole note, 4 beats 2) What is the name of this symbol and how many beats does it get? a) quarter note, 1 beat b) quarter note, 3 beats c) quarter rest, 1 beat d) half rest, 4 beats e) half rest 2 beats f) whole rest, 4 beats 3) What is the name of this symbol and how many beats does it get? a) quarter note, 1 beat b) beamed eighth notes, 1 beat c) beamed eighth notes, 2 beats d) triplet, 1 beat e) triplet, 2 beats f) eighth rest, 1 beat 4) What is the name of this symbol and how many beats does it get? a) quarter rest, 4 beats b) quarter note, 1 beat c) dotted half note, 3 beats d) half note, 2 beats e) whole rest, 4 beats f) whole note, 4 beats 5) What is the name of this symbol and how many beats does it get? a) quarter note, 2 beats b) half note, 2 beats c) dotted half note, 3 beats d) whole note, 2 beats e) half rest, 2 beats f) half rest, 4 beats 6) What is the name of this symbol and how many beats does it get? a) beamed sixteenth notes, 3 beats b) beamed sixteenth notes, 1 beat c) beamed eighth notes, 1 beat d) beamed eighth notes, 3 beats e) triplet, 3 beats f) triplet, 1 beat 7) What is the name of this symbol and how many beats does it get? a) quarter rest, 1 beat b) quarter rest, 2 beats c) half note, 2 beats d) half rest, 2 beats e) whole rest, 4 beats f) whole rest, 2 beats 8) What is the name of this symbol and how many beats does it get? a) whole note, 4 beats b) whole rest, 4 beats c) half rest, 2 beats d) quarter rest, 1 beat e) half note, 3 beats f) triplet, 1 beat 9) What is the name of this symbol and how many beats does it get? a) half note, 2 beats b) half note, 3 beats c) half rest, 2 beats d) dotted half note, 3 beats e) dotted half note, 2 beats f) dotted quarter note, 1.5 beats 10) What is the name of this symbol and how many beats does it get? a) dotted whole note, 6 beats b) dotted whole note, 8 beats c) dotted half note, 3 beats d) dotted whole rest, 6 beats e) dotted half rest, 3 beats f) dotted circle note, 2 beats 11) What is the name of this symbol and how many beats does it get? a) beamed eighth notes, 1 beat b) triplet, 1 beat c) beamed whole notes, 4 beats d) quarter notes, 4 beats e) beamed sixteenth notes, 1 beat f) beamed quarter notes, 1 beat 12) What is the name of this symbol and how many beats does it get? a) sixteenth rest, fourth of a beat b) eighth rest, half a beat c) quarter rest, 1 beat d) eighth note, half a beat e) half rest, 2 beats f) whole rest, 4 beats 13) What is the name of this symbol and how many beats does it get? a) sixteenth rest, fourth of a beat b) eighth rest, half a beat c) quarter rest, 1 beat d) eighth note, half a beat e) half rest, 2 beats f) whole rest, 4 beats 14) What is the name of this symbol and how many beats does it get? a) quarter note, one beat b) eighth note, half a beat c) sixteenth note, fourth of a beat d) sixteenth rest, fourth of a beat e) half note, 2 beats f) whole note, 4 beats 15) What is the name of this symbol and how many beats does it get? a) quarter note, one beat b) eighth note, half a beat c) sixteenth note, fourth of a beat d) sixteenth rest, fourth of a beat e) half note, 2 beats f) whole note, 4 beats 16) What is the name of this symbol and how many beats does it get? a) dotted quarter note, 1 beat b) dotted half note, 3 beats c) dotted whole note, 6 beats d) dotted quarter note, 1 and a half beats e) dotted quarter note, 2 beats f) quarter note, 1 beat
Note and Rest Names and Values
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
QR 代碼