1) Was a) Is b) Have a cold c) Have d) I drank a lot because I had a temperature 2) Were a) Are b) Have an eye test c) Help d) Give 3) Was/Were a) Be b) He took some medicine because he had a cold c) We ate a lot because we were hungry d) Have an eye test 4) Drank a) Drink b) Have c) He took some medicine because he had a cold d) Is 5) Ate a) Eat b) We ate a lot because we were hungry c) The doctor gave her some medicine because she had a stomach-ache d) Be 6) Gave a) Are b) She's sick/ill c) Give d) We ate a lot because we were hungry 7) Went a) Go b) Have a cold c) Have d) Give 8) Had a) Give b) Have c) Take some medicine d) Have a cold 9) Took a) Do b) The doctor gave her some medicine because she had a stomach-ache c) Take d) Have a temperature 10) Saw a) See b) Have a stomach-ache c) Help d) Take some medicine 11) Did a) He took some medicine because he had a cold b) Go c) Take d) Do 12) Heped a) Is b) Help c) Have a cold d) Have a cough 13) Tener un examen de la vista a) Take b) Are c) Have an eye test d) See the doctor 14) Ella esta enferma a) She's sick/ill b) Are c) Go d) Be 15) Ver al doctor a) See the doctor b) Be c) Give d) Go 16) Tomar medicina a) Take some medicine b) She's sick/ill c) Is d) Have a stomach-ache 17) El tomo medicina porque tenia un resfriado a) He took some medicine because he had a cold b) Have an eye test c) Have a cough d) I drank a lot because I had a temperature 18) Nosotros comimos un montón porque teníamos mucha hambre a) Have a stomach-ache b) See c) We ate a lot because we were hungry d) Is 19) Bebí un montón porque tenia fiebre a) I drank a lot because I had a temperature b) Take c) Eat d) Be 20) El doctor le dio medicina porque tenia dolor de barriga a) Eat b) Take c) Be d) The doctor gave her some medicine because she had a stomach-ache 21) Tener dolor de estomago a) Give b) Have a stomach-ache c) Have a cough d) Is 22) Tener tos a) Have a cough b) I drank a lot because I had a temperature c) Take d) Drink 23) Tener fiebre a) She's sick/ill b) Have a temperature c) Do d) He took some medicine because he had a cold 24) Tener un costipado a) Drink b) Have a cold c) Give d) Have an eye test






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