1) the cell membrane controls what enter and exits. It is a) flexible b) semipermeable c) mucous membrane 2) Hypotonic solution a) water rush inside the cell b) the cell explodes c) water rush in and out of the cell 3) a bunch of cells working together a) muscle b) tissue c) organ 4) concentration gradient of low to high with energy a) passive transport b) active transport c) osmosis 5) outside layer of a virus a) membrand b) capsid c) cell wall 6) water moving in and out of cell to maintain balance a) hypotonic b) isotonic c) simple diffusion 7) hypertonic solution a) water rush inside the cell b) wate moving from low to high c) water rushes out of the cell 8) If i get a virus a) blood will rush to my brain b) body will develop a fever c) I jump around and play 9) what biomolecule is sugar (glucose) a) lipid b) nucleic acid c) carbohydrate 10) Nucleus a) provide energy b) hold genetic information c) cleans up the cell 11) No Membrane bound organelles a) eukaryote b) ribosome c) prokaryote 12) Has Membrane bound organelles (nucleus) a) eukaryote b) ribosome c) prokaryote 13) one unit a) polymer b) polysaccharide c) monomer 14) many units a) polymer b) monosaccharide c) monomer 15) What is the concentration gradient a) from low to high b) from high to low c) moving in both directions 16) what type of organism is this? a) animal cell b) virus c) bacteria 17) what type of transport is in the picture a) active transport b) facilitated diffusion c) simple diffusion 18) pep- a) fat b) sugar c) protein 19) lip/lipo a) lipid b) carboghydrate c) nucleic acid





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