1) Mexico is located on the continent of... a) South America b) Asia c) Europe d) North America 2) Mexico is surrounded by what bodies of water? a) Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico b) Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean c) Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Mexico 3) Mexico's neighbor to the North is.. a) United States b) Canada c) Guatamala and Belize d) New Mexico 4) Mexico's neighbor to the South and East is... a) United States b) Canda c) Guatamala and Belize d) New Mexico 5) The states that border Mexico are a) Florida, California, Texas, and Arizona b) Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California c) Texas, Georgia, New Mexico, and California d) Texas, Kansas, New Mexico, and California 6) What kind of land does Mexico have? a) high mountains b) plains c) valleys d) plateaus e) all of the above 7) What is the largest land area in Mexico? a) Plateau of Mexico b) Mexico City c) Belize d) Guatamala 8) What is the capital of Mexico a) Plateau of Mexico b) New Mexico c) Mexico City d) Belize 9) What is the study of land and water and the ways plant, people, and animals interact with them. a) Geography b) Land Formation c) Plateaus d) Volcano 10) What are the shapes of the Earths surface? a) Geography b) Land Formation c) Plateaus d) Volcano 11) What is an area of flat land that is higher than the land around it? a) Geography b) Land Formation c) Plateaus d) Volcano 12) What is an opening in Earth's surface through which rocks and ash are forced out? a) Geography b) Land Formation c) Plateaus d) Volcano 13) People have been attracted to Mexico for its... a) mild climate b) rich soil c) water from rainfall d) all of the above 14) What volcano in Mexico is called "smoking mountain"? a) Paricutin b) Cofre de Perote c) Iztaccihuatl d) Popocatepetl







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