Evangelism - in the context of Christianity, telling others about Christ, Havoc - Confusion and destruction, Heed - to listen to or obey, Lamentation - mourning or grieving, often loudly, Pentateuch - the first five books of the old testament, edified - in a biblical context, instructed in spiritual matters through the study of God's Word and the teaching, goads - Long, pointed sticks used for guiding oxen, hellenist - In chapter 9, Jews who adopted the Greek language and many Greek ideas, imploring - Pleading with someone to do something, centurion - a Roman officer in charge of a hundred men, gentiles - "Heathen" or "non-Jewish" the word no longer carries the negative meaning "Heathen," as it did to jews in the time of Acts...", contend - to fight or argue with another, gird - to put on and secure your clothing, harass - to persecute or pick on, oration - a speech, surname - the name borne in common with members of a family (last name), squad - a small unit of four soldiers,

Soph Bible Review - Vocabulary







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