1) Select the correct statement. a) Judaism believes in many gods. b) Judaism is the first monotheistic religion (believe in 1 god). c) Judaism is monotheistic and polytheistic.  2) What in monotheism? a) the belief in 1 god b) the belief in many gods 3) What is polytheism? a) the belief in 1 god b) the belief in many gods 4) Judaism provided the historical and philosophical foundation for which 2 religions? a) Buddhism and Animism b) Hinduism and Christianity c) Christianity and Islam 5) What is the name of the sacred text in Judaism? a) the Bible b) The Quran c) The Torah 6) What does the Christian Bible call the Torah? a) holy book b) The Old Testament  c) The New Test 7) What is the purpose of the Talmud? a) to provide information about Jewish leaders b) to outline the laws and teachings of Judaism  c) to explain the principles of Christianity 8) Who is believed to be the founder of Judaism?  a) Moses b) Abraham c) David 9) According to the Torah, why was Abraham chosen as founder? a) It was believed G-d chose him to be the founder of the Hebrew people b) people voted for him c) he made himself leader 10) Why did Abraham leave Mespotamia and where did he go? a) He didn't leave. b) He was commanded to bring the Hebrews to Canaan for protection in return c) He was commanded to bring the Hebrews to new land because they outgrew the current area 11) Which statement accurately describes the covenant. a) A covenant was a promise between G-D and the Hebrew people in which if they obeyed G-D they would be protected b) A promise between G-D and the Hebrew people that went on a mission to convert everyone to Judaism c) It was an agreement signed between G-D and the Hebrew people to stop fighting. 12) Where did Hebrews go in 1650 BCE? a) Europe b) Egypt c) The Silk Road 13) What happened to the Hebrews when they were living in Egypt? a) They got to live with Egyptian royalty b) They were enslaved by the Egyptians c) They worked together to form a new religion 14) "Let my people go." What does this refer to? a) When Moses led Hebrews to escape from Egypt between 1300 and 1200 BCE b) When Hebrews kept Egyptians trapped 15) Which Jewish holiday reminds us of the Hebrews celebration of freedom? a) Yom Kippur b) Hanukkah  c) Passover 16) What was Moses given from G-d? a) The Bible b) The Torah c) The Ten Commandments 17) What is the significance of Mount Sinai in the story of Moses? a) It is where he received the 10 Commandments from G-d b) it is where Moses was born c) It is where the Hebrews escaped from 18) Why are the 10 Commandments important in Judaism? a) They are believed to be the 10 most important leaders in Judaism b) They are the basis for religious and civil law c) They were created by many different religious leaders






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