1) A waajib is a) an option b) an obligation c) a pillar 2) What is the word for 'obligations' in Arabic? a) Waajibaat b) Wulayaat c) arkaan 3) How many obligations of Salah are there? a) 9 b) 14 c) 8 4) سامي الله ليمان حميدة by said is  a) The imaam, the peple praying with the imaam and the one who is praying by himself b) The imam and the one who is praying by himself c) The imam and those praying with the imaam 5) ربنا ولك الحمد by said is a) The imaam, the peple praying with the imaam and the one who is praying by himself b) The imam and the one who is praying by himself c) The imam and those praying with the imaam 6) is said in a) sujood b) sitting between the two prostration c) rukoo 7) سبحان ربي الاعلى in said is  a) sujood b) rukoo c) between the two prostrations 8) رابغفرلي in said is a) sujood b) rukoo c) between the two prostrations

Obligatory acts of Salah-2





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