refute - (v) to prove a statement incorrect; to disprove, reiterate - (v) to say over again, repartee - (n) a quick witty reply, repertoire - (n) the stock of plays, stories, songs or other pieces that a player or company is prepared to perform, repose - n - (n) a rest; a peaceful state, repose - tr. v - (transitive verb - tr. v) to place trust in or expectations on something, repose - intr v - (intr v) to rest, reticent - (adj) of a silent nature; reserved in manner, ostensible - (adj) pretended; given as an excuse, to conceal the real reason, ostentatious - (adj) showy; intended to impress people, improvise - tr v - (tr v) to make something up without preparation, improvise - to make or provide from materials on hand, visionary - (adj) existing only in imagination; fanciful; not practical, auspicious - (adj) showing signs that promise success, introspection - (n) examination of one's own thoughts and feelings, retrospect - (n) a survey of past times or events, speciman - (n) a single thing that is taken as an example of a whole category, specter - (n) a ghost, spectrum - n - (n) the distribution of characteristics of a physical system, especially bands of colors seen as a rainbow or bands of different sound waves, spectrum - a wide range of related qualities or ideas, speculate - intr v - (intr v) to form opinions without definite knowledge or evidence, speculate - to buy or sell something to make a profit but with risk of loss, surveillance - supervision or close observation, especially of a suspected person, vigil - (n) a period of staying awake to keep watch or to pray, vigilant - (adj) watchful; on the lookout for danger,

Soph Vocab 9 & 10







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