1) What was one of the Brachos that Hashem gave to Avraham? a) He will win the lottery b) he'll become a big nation c) He'll die young d) He will change his name 2) Those who bless Avram will be _______ a) killed b) blessed c) cursed d) dust and stars 3) Those who curse Avram will be ______ a) die young b) cursed c) blessed d) killed 4) Who went with Avram when he left Charan a) Terach b) pharoh c) Lot d) me! 5) Who was Lot a) Avrams uncle b) Avrams brother c) Avram's nephew d) Avrams father 6) How old was Avram when he left Charan a) 45 b) 75 c) 99 d) 13 7) What did Avram take with him when he left Charan a) his son b) his great aunt c) all his property and all the people he made in Charan d) me! 8) What does it mean "All the people Avram made in Charan?" a) he drew them b) he made people c) The people he taught Torah to d) he will bless them 9) Where did they go from Charan a) Elon moreh b) The land of Cena'an c) Sedom d) florida 10) Where did Avram stop when he left Charan (and he came until ____) a) cena'an b) sedom c) Lot d) Shechem, Elon Moreh 11) Who was living in the land? a) Kena'anim b) jews c) Lot d) princesses 12) Why did Avram build a Mizbaech in Elon Moreh? a) Thanking Hashem for promising to give him children b) he was sad c) no reason d) his wife was happy 13) Where was there a famine? a) sedom b) florida c) Eretz Cena'an d) mitzrayim 14) Why did he only realize Saray was pretty after their long trip? a) she was hidden in a suitcase b) Because she was still pretty even after traveling for so long! c) she was pretty d) no reason 15) What did Avram do with saray so the mitzriyim wouldn't take her a) sent her home b) let her marry them c) hid her in a suitcase d) put her under blankets 16) what did the mitzriyim do when they saw Saray a) killed her b) killed Avrahm c) married her d) Sent her to Paroh because she was extra pretty 17) What did Hashem do to punish Paroh for taking Saray? a) she grew a tail b) Gave him and the people in his palace tzara'as c) he died d) he lost all his money 18) Why couldn't Lot and Avraham live together? a) they looked too much alike, people confused them b) He was mean c) Because they had too many things and their shepherds were fighting! d) Lot was trying to hurt Saray 19) Why was avram and lot's shepherds fighting? a) they were jealous b) Avram's said that Lot's sheep were stealing c) their sheep weren't behaving d) no reason 20) Where did Lot choose to go to separate from Avram? a) home b) Mitzrayim c) Sedom d) Cena'an 21) Why did Hashem say "Yama" (the words in the song) to Avram? a) He was promising to give him the land of Eretz Yisrael - north, east, south, and west b) to teach him his directions c) so he knows where to go d) no reason 22) How many kings were fighting against eachother? a) many b) 3 vs 4 c) 5 vs 6 d) 4 VS. 5 23) Why did Hashem compare Bnei Yisroel to the dust of the earth? a) they are pretty like dust b) they are soft like dust c) they are few like dust d) It can't be counted, and the world can't exist without Bnei Yisroel 24) Who was in Sedom during the time of the war against the 4 and 5 kings? a) Pharoh b) Lot c) Yitzchak d) yishmael 25) Who saved Lot? a) Pharoh b) yishmael c) Yitzchak d) Avram 26) After the 4 and 5 kings war, why was Avram worried he used up his zechusim? a) Maybe Hashem won't give him a child anymore! b) no reason c) he wanted more just 'cuz! 27) What did Hashem compare Bnei Yisroel to? a) animals b) dust and stars c) kings d) ants 28) What did Avram do by the Bris Bein Habisarim? a) He cut specific animals in half and walked between the 2 halves. b) ate many animals c) cried out to Hashem d) built a Mizbe'ach 29) What did Hashem promise Avram about the Jews in Mitzrayim? a) they will die there b) They will leave with MANY possessions and riches! c) they will leave very poor d) they will become king 30) Who was Hagar? a) Avram's niece b) Bas Pharoh c) Random lady d) Saray's maidservant 31) Why did Pharoh want Hagar to marry Avram? a) He will get Eretz Yisrael b) Its better to be a maidservant in the house of a Tzadik then a princess in the house of bad people! c) He's rich d) Pharoh didn't like her 32) Why did Saray want Avraham to marry Hagar? a) If she has a child it will be like Saray does because Hagar was her maidservant b) she was pretty c) she was rich d) no reason 33) Was Hagar nice to Saray when she was pregnant? a) very nice b) ish- nice c) No! 34) Why did Hagar run away? a) Because Saray was treating her like her maidservant and she didn't want to work! b) she didn't like the food Saray served c) She was upset at avram d) she wanted to go on a trip 35) Why did the Malach of Hashem ask Hagar "where are you coming from?" - didn't he know? a) to be nice b) He wanted to start a conversation and give Hagar the chance to answer c) to be annoying d) to trick her 36) What did the Malach promise about Yishmael? a) He will be a robber, a man who loves animals, people will hate and attack him, and he will have many children b) he will be poor c) he will be able to give brachos d) he will have one child 37) Why was Hagar's child named Yishmael? a) its a nice name b) after Avram's great uncle c) It means Hashem listened. d) no reason 38) Why did Avram fall on the ground when Hashem appeared to him before he had his Bris Milah? a) he was giving many brachos b) He wasn't fully Kadosh yet and couldn't withstand Hashem's Kedushah. c) to be close to the dust d) he was tired 39) Why did Hashem add a Heih to Avraham's name? a) it means "my princess" b) he will be the Av Hamon Goyim - father of many nations c) he'll die young d) he'll become a big nation 40) Why did Hashem keep the Reish in Avraham's letter if it doesn't stand for anything? a) Out of Derech Eretz to the letter that was in the Tzadik's name for so long! b) why not? c) was easier that way d) to be fair 41) What did Avram stand for - from before he became Avraham? a) Av L'Aram - father/leader only to Aram b) father of me c) father of yishmael d) father of yitzchak 42) Who should receive a Bris Milah? a) someone who is 8 days old b) Eretz Cena'an c) bad people d) Avram's nephew e) someone born to his maidservant f) a Cena'ani servant who was purchased with money 43) Why was Saray's name changed to Sarah? a) why not b) it means "princess for all" c) easier to pronounce d) it means "you will be rich" 44) What does the name Saray mean a) my princess b) blessed c) rich d) mother of many nations 45) The possuk tells us that "Vayitzchak Avraham." and then Yitzchak is named Yitzchak! What does this tell us? a) That Avraham mocked Hashem b) That Avraham wasn't laughing out of mockery, he was so happy! c) That Yitzchak is a pretty name d) Yitzchak was born 46) The Bris (of becoming a big nation) fall on which of Avraham's sons? a) Yishmael b) Kena'anim c) Lot d) Yitzchak and ONLY YITZCHAK!! 47) How old was Avraham by his Bris Milah? a) 13 b) 75 c) 83 d) 99 48) How old was Yishmael by his Bris Milah? a) 58 b) 99 c) 13 d) 75 49) Who else in their household got a Bris Milah on that day? a) Moshe b) Yitzchak c) Any servant born in the house or purchased with money d) Lot 50) What were the Brachos that Hashem gave to Avraham? a) he will have many children b) he will be a bracha c) He will get Eretz Yisrael d) he will become poor e) his children will die f) he will be cursed if he curses others
Review game parshas lech lecha
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