1) Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are known as Jovian planets because they are similar to Jupiter. Which of these characteristics do these three planets have in common with Jupiter? a) a large solid core b) well-defined rings c) a thick gaseous atmosphere d) a density greater than Earth’s density 2) Which of these characteristics distinguishes the outer planets from the inner planets? a) The outer planets have many moons. b) The outer planets orbit in a different direction. c) The outer planets have higher densities. d) The outer planets have smaller diameters. 3) Ming is doing a project on planets in other solar systems. She learns about a planet, called Planet Z. Planet Z is very large, has a thick atmosphere, and has a low density. Which of these planets in our solar system is Planet Z most similar to?   a) Earth b) Mars c) Mercury d) Saturn 4) All the planets in the solar system orbit the sun. What is the main difference between the orbits of the inner and outer planets? a) The inner planets travel a greater distance than the outer planets do. b) The inner planets have almost round orbits, and the outer planets do not. c) The outer planets rotate as they orbit the sun, and the inner planets do not. d) The outer planets’ orbits are longer than the inner planets’ orbits. 5) The sun appears to move across the sky during the day. Why does this happen? a) Earth's tilt on its axis b) moon orbiting Earth c) Earth's rotation on its axis d) Earth's orbit around the sun 6) Earth spins at a very constant and regular speed. How long does it take for Earth to make one complete rotation? a)  24 hr b) 24 days c) 365 hr d) 365 days 7) Earth orbits the sun. Yet the sun appears to move through the sky. For example, the sun always appears to rise in the east and set in the west. What is responsible for this apparent motion of the sun? a) Earth‘s size b) Earth‘s orbit c) Earth‘s rotation d) Earth‘s revolution 8) Josleen divided some of the planets into two main groups. The table below shows how she grouped them. Which of the following two categories did Josleen most likely use to group the planets? a) planets and dwarf planets b) with moons and without moons c) orbit the sun and orbit other bodies d) small diameters and large diameters

Earth and Space-Inner and Outer Planets





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