1) How much money did you spend last time when you went to the shop? What did you buy? 2) Did you do anything interesting last weekend? 3) What did you like about your previous job? 4) What was your favourite book in childhood?  5) Did you have a hero when you were younger? 6) What was the last really difficult thing you had to do? 7) What was your best memory from when you were a child? 8) What did you do for you last birthday? 9) What didn’t you like to do when you were younger? Why? 10) What was the best meal you ate recently? 11) What games did you like to play when you were a child? 12) What time did you get up today? 13) Did you go online this morning/ What did you check there? 14) What age did you learn how to drive a car?

Roadmap A2+ unit 2B, PAST SIMPLE Speaking questions





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