1) Who are the main characters? a) The Pigeon b) Robot and Clown c) Elephant and Piggie d) Elephant and a Cowboy 2) What was the setting? a) day, outside b) night, outside c) zoo d) jungle 3) What was wrong with Elephant? a) He wanted a robot. b) He was sad. c) He was happy. d) He was hungry. 4) What did Piggie do to try to make Elephant happy? a) Telling jokes. b) Standing on his head c) Dressing up like a cowboy. d) juggling e) Dressing up like a princess f) making him a cake 5) Did dressing up make Elephant happy again? a) Yes b) No 6) Why was Elephant sad? a) He was scared of the clown b) He missed his friend c) He wanted cake d) He had a boo-boo. 7) What finally made Elephant happy again? a) He ate the cake. b) He got a bandaid. c) He saw his friend Piggie. d) He got new glasses. 8) Why did Piggie tell Elephant he needed new glasses? a) He broke his glasses. b) He got his glasses dirty. c) Piggie got new glasses. d) He did not know it was Piggie in the costumes.






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