1 - After the Resurrection, 2 - The Holy Spirit Comes, 3 - Peter Heals a Beggar, 4 - Characteristics of the Early Church, 5 - Punishment and Persecution, 6 - The Choosing of the Seven, 7 - The Death of Stephen, 8 - The Church Persecuted, Scattered, Growing, 9 - Saul Converted, Aeneas Healed, Dorcas Restored to Life, 10 - Peter's Vision and Cornelius' Conversation, 11 - The Church Accepts Gentiles, 12 - Peter's Escape and Harod's Death, 13 - Paul and Barnabas Travel to Pisidian Antioch, 14 - Iconium to Derbe and Back to Antioch, 15 - Jerusalem Council Meets, Paul and Barnabas Part, 16 - Paul and Silas in the Philippian Jail, 17 - Paul and Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens, 18 - Paul and Apollos at Ephesus and Corinth, 19 - Paul's Ministry at Ephesus, 20 - Preaching in Troas, Farewell in Miletus, 21 - Farewell in Tyre, Arrest in Jerusalem, 22 - Paul Declares His Roman Citizenship, 23 - Paul Speaks to the Council and Foils a Plot, 24 - Paul's Trial before Felix, 25 - Paul's Trial before Festus and Appeal to Caesar, 26 - Paul's Witness to King Agrippa II, 27 - Paul's Shipwreck, 28 - Paul's Ministry on Malta, House Arrest in Rome,

Acts Chapter Titles







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