Volume - The amount of space an object takes up., Mass - The amount of matter in an object., Matter - Anything that takes up space and can be weighted. , Density - A measurement of how tightly matter is packed together., Graduated Cylinder - The tool used to measure volume., Liter (L) - The metric unit used to measure volume., Gram (g) - The metric unit used to measure mass., Meter (m) - The metric unit used to measure length., Kilometer (km) - The metric unit that represents 1,000., Centimeter (cm) - The metric unit that represents 1/100., Millimeter (mm) - The metric unit that represents 1/1000., Base Units of the Metric System - Meter (m), gram (g), and liter (l)., International System of Units (SI Units) - Another word for the Metric System, used as a universal system of measurement. In the base of 10., Metric System - Decimal based system of measurement, based on the power of 10. Used as a universal system for measurement. , Gravity - The force that pulls objects toward a center., Force - A Physical cause that can change an object's state of motion or dimensions., Weight - The forcec acting on an object due to acceleration of gravity., Beaker - A wide glass that is used in science for holding and measuring liquids., Triple Beam Balance - A lab tool that is used to measure mass., Digital Scale - A modern lab tool that is used to measure mass, Irregularly Shaped Object - An object that has sides and angles of different sizes.,

Metric System Vocabulary





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