1) How did you get your name? Were you n____ a_____ anyone? 2) Do you know any words that are p_____ t__ a geographical area? What is an object you call differently from someone who lives in another city? 3) Does one’s name a_____ one’s personality? If so, in what way? If not, why not? What about one’s future? 4) Why do you think performers adopt st_____ n______s? Do you know the real names of your favourite celebrities? 5) How easy is it to change your name where you live? Do you know anyone who changed their name? Have you ever wanted to? 6) How important is it for a name to have s_____ m______ or a connection to history? What do you make of names like “Peaches’n’Cream” or “X Æ A-12”? 7) Do you think using a person’s name and patronymic in Russia is o___ its w____ o____ or will this tradition continue? 8) Would you call a pet a human name? Do you know any u_________ r______ about naming pets and human beings? 9) Are p____ n_____s a thing in your family? Why do you think that is? How do you feel about couples using them in public? 10) Have you ever had an email address or social media account that uses a nickname rather than your real name? How did you c___ u_ w___ it?

CAE Complete SC 1 (task 1)







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