Alternate - To take turns or do something in place of another; a substitute or replacement., Demolish - To tear down completely; destroy., Energetic - Full of energy, action, or effort., Enforce - To carry out or make people follow a law, rule, or plan., Feats - An act or deed that shows courage, strength, or skill., Hearty - Warm, friendly, or healthy; strong and satisfying., Mature - Fully grown or developed; to bring to full development or growth., Observant - Quick to notice or watch carefully., Primary - First in importance or time; an early election to choose a candidate., Resign - To give up a job, office, or claim formally., Strive - To try very hard; to make a great effort to achieve something., Verdict - A decision or judgment made by a jury or judge.,

Vocab Unit 8 Wordwall (5th grade)






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