1) Are enzymes described as being specific? a) Yes b) No 2) Which part of the enzyme has a complementary shape to the substrate? a) Back b) Inside c) Active Site d) Binding Site 3) What do we call the temperature at which an enzyme works best? a) Optimum Temperature b) Best Temperature c) Fastest Temperature d) Ideal Temperature 4) What happens to an enzyme is the pH is too high? a) It melts b) It works faster c) It works slower d) It denatures e) It dies 5) Catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water. What is the substrate here? a) Catalase b) Hydrogen Peroxide c) Oxygen d) Water e) Oxygen and Water 6) Amylase breaks starch down into maltose. What type of reaction is this? a) Degradation b) Synthesis 7) Which is NOT true of enzymes a) Specific b) Made of Protein c) Essential d) Biological Catalyst e) Not reusable 8) Where do most chemical reactions take place in the cell? a) Nucleus b) Cytoplasm c) Cell membrane 9) Which of the following is not an enzyme? a) Phosphorylase b) Amylase c) Protease d) Lipase e) Pepsin f) Fruitase 10) Which substrate would bind to this enzyme? a) A b) B c) C





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