assemble - to bring together into a group; to gather/to put or fit together, assembly - a group of people gathered for a certain purpose/the fitting together of various parts, banquet - a large meal for many people; a feast, cargo - the load carried by a plane or ship, cask - a barrel shaped container especially one for holding liquids, celebrate - to honor something in a special way, celebrated - famous, decrease - to become smaller or less, desperate - reckless because of feeling of despair/so serious as to be almost hopeless, frivolous - not serious or important; silly, frivolity - silly or lighthearted play, harvest - gathering of ripe crops for a season/the quantity of crops gathered/to gather in the crops, hew - chop down or cut with blows from an ax/to cut or shape with blows of an ax or similar tool, hostile - unfriendly or like an enemy , hostility - the expression of unfriendly feelings, pledge - to make a serious promise/a serious promise, prosper - to succeed, especially in terms of money, prosperous - enjoying growth and success, task - a piece of work that needs to be done,

Wordly Wise 8





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