1) The boy is ________ a) sad b) happy c) excited d) tired 2) The dog found something he loves. a) b) c) d) 3) The girl loves ___________ a) kisses b) white shirts c) farms d) horses 4) The sun will _________ the ice cream. a) melt b) burn c) freeze d) fix 5) The boy is too _______ for toys. a) young b) silly c) old d) mean 6) Jakari has an umbrella. Why? a) It is raining. b) It is snowing. c) The sun is out. d) There are bugs. 7) Ny'Jaya needs a shovel and gloves. Why? a) It is raining. b) It is snowing. c) The sun is out. d) There are bugs. 8) There is a storm. The dog is hiding. Why? a) He loves storms. b) He likes to hide. c) He is scared. d) He is having fun. 9) Jeremiah and Ra'Mel got sleds. Why? a) They are going swimming. b) They are taking a nap. c) They are going to the mall. d) They are going sledding. 10) They are at a gas station with their car. Why? a) The car needs gas. b) The car is dirty. c) They need snacks. d) They are going home.






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