1) An Action Plan is... a) An emergency exit plan in the Kitchen b) A proposed strategy of course of action c) A hierarchy for cooking staff d) Something used in case of fires or accidents 2) What is Bias? a) An example of a prejudice which is genetic  b) Leaning towards a certain side in a partisan situation c) inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair. d) An example of a prejudice which is learned  3) What are Child Labor Laws? a) Laws in place to prevent children from working b) Laws that encourage child workers c) Laws that allow children to work at the age of 14 d) What Joseph escaped from 4) Complainant means... a) The defense in a legal situation b) Someone who complains c) Those who deal with customer complaints d) The party that makes a legal accusation 5) Cover Letters and Resumes are... a) The last half of an orientation b) A skill that chefs use when taking orders c) An application to a job d) A resignation from a job  6) What is Cross-Training? a) The process of being trained in multiple skills b) Hyperfocus training on a single skill c) Training on a single skill d) Training across multiple employers  7) Cultural Tendencies include... a) Fixed nation and boundaries  b) Religion, food, clothes, music c) Means of transportation d) Doing something in relation to your culture 8) What is Discrimination? a) The removal of another race entirely b) The incorporation of those that are different c) Allowing races and creeds to mix in a country d) The unfair treatment of others based on race or creed 9) What is Diversity? a) Several cultures and races in a country b) The varying amount of cultural density c) Incorporating other races into a company d) A single race controlling a country 10) Empathy is... a) Cannot feel for others b) Psychotic behavior in the presence of others  c) Feeling for others d) Feeling bad for another person 11) Employee Manuals are... a) A handbook containing the basics of work b) A book which gives a job description  c) A book which an employee signs to get hired d) A book which an employee signs to leave work 12) What is an Employee Performance Appraisal? a) A performance check on the kitchen b) A check on the employee's work c) A bad meeting that fires an employee d) A good meeting that hires an employee 13) What are Ethics? a) A checkbox on a company employment list  b) A group of people who share the same culture c) A type of complaint filed by the customer d) Moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity 14) Exempt Positions are... a) Exclusion from minimum wage, overtime, and rights b) Inclusion of overtime, company rights, and wages c) Removing an employee because of problems d) Excusing an employee's behavior 15) What is External Motivation? a) Motivation by one's environment  b) Motivation that comes from inside yourself c) Motivation that comes from something other than yourself d) Motivation from other employees 16) Goals are... a) An aspect in soccer b) An achievement one reaches for c) A company ideal to increase employee morale d) A company achievement in a field 17) What is Harassment?  a) The purposeful intimidation and bothering if a coworker  b) FIghting people from other companies c) Talking badly about your boss d) The assault of a coworker  18) What is a Harrasment Free Enviroment? a) Harassment that occurs outside of the workplace b) Harassment that occurs within the workplace c) Harassment in the higher-ups d) An area where harassment is not tolerated 19) Internal Motivation is... a) Motivation that comes from friends  b) Motivation that comes from an outside source  c) Motivation that comes from within d) Motivation that comes from a CEO  20) Interpersonal Skills are? a) Skills used to cook more efficiently b) Skills used in a job interview c) A skill necessary for social interaction  d) A skill that is uncommon in cooks 21) What is a Job Application? a) An idea for one will do for work b) A plea for work c) A book of all precious employees d) An application for employment  22) What is a Job Description? a) A list of previous jobs worked b) General description of job activities c) A list of jobs one has been fired from d) An orientation pamphlet  23) What is a Mission Statement? a) A paragraph that says what the job does b) A short statement that talks about employee benefits  c) A short statement that explains a company work d) A short statement that explains why an organization exists  24) Modeling is... a) Showing problems or solutions in an auditory manner b) Showing problems or solutions in a visual manner c) Showing problems or solutions in a 3D manner d) Showing problems or solutions in a tactile manner 25) What is Motivation? a) Reasons for actions, willingness, and goals b) Getting inspiration from movies c) Getting put down by your peers d) Having an inflated ego 26) Nonexempt Positions are... a) Workers who do not have basic worker rights b) Workers who do not work overtime c) Workers who earn minimum wage and earn overtime d) Workers who do not earn minimum wage 27) Objectives are... a) A type of training on the job b) A type of motivation c) Goals and admirations  d) A thing aimed at or sought after 28) What is Onboarding? a) Letting go of a majority of employees b) The process of bringing a new employee in c) Bringing sailors on a ship d) Hiring a large number of employees 29) What is On-The-Job Training? a) When no training occurs b) Training that happens while one works  c) Training that is controlled by executives d) Training that occurs on the job 30) Organizational Goals are... a) Goals used to split work evenly b) Goals that are employee created  c) Strategic objectives that a company uses to guide employee's efforts d) Goals used to predict future income 31) What is Orientation?  a) Showing a new employee the workspace b) Biggest part of the firing process c) The basic part of training  d) Smallest part of the hiring process 32) Performance Appraisal Forms are... a) Forms used to hire an employee b) Forms used to fire an employee c) Forms filled out to see Employee efficiency d) Forms that solve prejudice in workplaces 33) Personal Treatment is... a) Good personal hygiene  b) Good personal management  c) Good education and credit score d) Care for one's self 34) What is POS? a) Point of Saftey b) Point of Sale c) Point of Salinity  d) Point of Sanitation 35) What is Positive Cross-Cultural Interactions?  a) Interactions between cultures with a good outcome b) Multicultural relationships in a bad workplace c) Multicultural relationships in a good workplace d) Interactions between cultures with a bad outcome 36) What is Prejudice? a) An opinion based on the fact b) Harm or injury that occurs because of judgment c) Given rise to a bias  d) Pre-conceived opinion not based on the fact 37) Problem Solving is... a) The act of identifying and solving a problem b) Creating the problems in a work environment  c) Solving problems in the kitchen d) A question on the IQ test 38) Professional Development is... a) A good college b) A good credit score c) All credentials needed for the job d) A higher education in a specific skill 39) What is Professionalism? a) An amateur in a professional's position b) A professional in an amateur position  c) Working well and working long d) The competence of a worker, wors as professional  40) What are Screening Interviews? a) An interview to determine a candidates worthiness b) An extensive background search c) A digital interview on Zoom d) An interview that determines a firing  41) What are Stereotypes? a) Widespread facts of a race b) Not a form of prejudice c) Pre-conceived notion of a nation or race d) Not a form of inequalities 42) What is Successive Interviewing?  a) Having two interviews at the same time b) Having several consecutive interviews c) Having a virtual meeting d) Having one specific interview 43) What makes a Team? a) Someone who does nothing, someone who takes credit and a slacker b) Someone who works alone c) CEO encouragement in a project d) A group of people working together 44) What is Teamwork? a) A strategy that allows for quicker work b) Collaborative group effort to complete a project c) A way to punish students d) A group effort to hire an employee 45) What constitutes Training? a) The action of teaching a person or animal a particular skill or type of behaviour b) Showing an employee around c) Teaching an employee how their job works d) Showing the employee where the exits are 46) What is a Turnover?  a) A pastry with a fruit jam filling b) Going from negative growth to positive c) The number of earnings a company earned in a year d) The rate at which employees are removed and hired 47) A Vision Statement is... a) A statement to increase employee morale b) An inspiration phrase for a company or group c) A statement to help plan work d) A policy to help those with visual disabilities  48) What are Workplace Ethics?  a) Ethnic equality in a kitchen b) Working slow and efficiently c) Hard work and diligence in your work d) Working quickly and efficiently 49) What is a Zero Tolerance Policy? a) A policy that if any harassment occurs they be fired b) A policy for no CEO discrimination c) A policy for no slacking off in work d) An intense increase in a quota

Culinary Vocab 8





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