Topicality: Def: aff must stay within wording of resolution, Significance of Harm: Def: aff must prove status quo causes issues, Inherency : Def: aff must prove current system can't/won't solve issues, Structural: current system can't fix harms b/c of defects in laws, Attitudinal: current system can't fix harms b/c lawmakers don't want to, Solvency : Def: aff must prove plan can fix current issue(s), Desirability : Def: aff must prove plan's advantages outweigh disadvantages, Types of Harm (subtopic of Significance of Harm): Scope: great number of people affected by harms, Magnitude: harms affect ppl. to great degree, Social significance: harms affect particular group of ppl., Traditional significance: harms go against traditional beliefs, Moral imperative: harms are ethically wrong,

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