1) Your teacher called on you in class and you did not know the answer. You feel very embarrassed and angry. How do you react? 2) You have so many good ideas to share with your class. However, your teacher will not call on you. What do you do? 3) You just got into an argument with your mom. What do you do to calm yourself down? 4) You met someone in Health class that seems interesting. Tell us how you might start a conversation with him. 5) You are walking in the hall at school. A student runs by, knocking all of your books to the floor. How does this make you feel? What do you do? 6) You are working in a group for English class. One of your classmates is doing little to no work for the group project. How does this make you feel? What do you do? 7) You find out an acquaintance has been gossipping about you. How does this make you feel? What do you do? 8) A classmate sitting next to you always cheats off of you. How does this make you feel? What do you do? 9) You see two of your classmates bullying a new student. How might you feel? What do you do? 10) You have been studying hard but you still don't understand the Geometry problems. How might you feel? What do you do? 11) You see a classmate crying in the bathroom. How might this make you feel? What do you do? 12) Every time you try to vent to a friend, he cuts you off and talks about himself. How might this make you feel? What do you do? 13) Your friend has been ignoring you all day. You don't know why he is doing this. What do you do? 14) You are trying to study for a test but are experiencing racing thoughts and increased anxiety. What can you do? 15) Ypou are playing your favorite video game. However, you can't get past a certain level and start to get very frustrated. What do you do? 16) You overhear a student making threats. How does this make you feel? What can you do? 17) You want to be left alone but your sibling keeps coming into your room. How might you feel? What can you do? 18) You're getting bullied online while playing video games. How might you feel? What can you do? 19) Your friend invites you to the movies but refuses to go see the movie you have been waiting weeks to see. How might you feel? What do you do? 20) You think your friend stole your new hoodie. How does this make you feel? What do you do? 21) You have 1st lunch and do not know anyone in the cafeteria. How might you feel? What can you do? 22) You decide to join a new club at school. You walk in the room and a student makes a rude comment. How might you feel? What do you do? 23) You have been very stressed about work lately. What coping skills can you use to deal with the stress? 24) Your favorite show has been canceled. How might you feel? What can you do? 25) Two kids are being very rude to the bus driver. How might you feel? What can you do? 26) You have not been sleeping well due to stress. What can you do to change this? 27) You are having a bad day and Math class is stressing you out. You feel like you might explode. What can you do? 28) You see two kids vandalizing the building after school. How might you feel? What do you do? 29) Your friend lies to you. How might you feel? What do you do? 30) You hate fire drills at school. Today, you are in the middle of a fun activity, and the fire alarm goes off. How might you feel? What do you do? 31) Someone you sit with in class starts to annoy you. What can you do? 32) Your friend always cancels plans last minute. How might you feel? What can you do? 33) You made it to the final level of the game. You lost the game by making a silly mistake. How might you feel? What do you do? 34) You have to give a presentation in class. How might you feel? What can you do? 35) A classmate makes fun of you during a lesson. How might you feel? What do you do? 36) You can't stop worrying about things lately. What do you do? 37) You have a lot on your mind and feel stressed as soon as you walk into school. What can you do to deal with the stress? 38) You need to distract yourself from worry thoughts. What can you do? 39) You are angry when a friend starts cheating during a game. What can you do? 40) You don't get along with the student you a paired with during Science class. How do you handle this? 41) You really want to invite this new girl/guy to come to your birthday party, but you have never talked to them before. You are worried they will say no. What could you do? 42) Your teacher was working at her desk. You wanted to ask her a question, but she didn't see your hand raised. What should you do? 43) You didn't do your homework. Your teacher was upset with you. What should you do? 44) The teacher is giving directions, but your friend sitting next to you keeps talking. You can't hear the directions. What should you do? 45) Someone you chat with in an online game starts asking about your family and where you live. You’ve chatted with the person before, but you’ve never met. What do you do? 46) You need to attend an online department night. You feel very anxious and nervous to join the Goole Meet. What can you do? 47) Your friend in advisory posts a picture of you online without your permission. How might you feel? What can you do? 48) You are talking to a group of students about a topic that really upsets you. What can you do? 49) Your friend is engaging in unhealthy coping skills and confides in you. What do you do? 50) Your class is talking about a boring subject and you would prefer to talk about your favorite video game. What do you do?
SEL Scenarios
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
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