compare - find likenesses between two or more things, contrast - find differences between two or more things, describe - depict in words, tell in your own words, distinguish - set apart, seperate, tell apart, characterize, classify, categorize, identify - isolate, point out, find, discover, retell - tell in your own words, tell again in your own way, demonstrate - describe or explain by examples, determine - conclude, decide, choose, draw - take or pull out, explain - tell about something so people understand it, locate - find, suggest - propose as fitting , support - hold up, prove, help, comprehend - get the picture, understand, grasp, catch on, find meaning, develop - elaborate or expand in detail, organize - arrange, classify, order, consolidate, unify, refer - mention or direct for information, infer - deduce, conclude, use information to make educated guesses based on prior knowledge, integrate - put together, combine, interpret - describe what you have found out, paraphrase - put the author's words into your own words, make it easier to understand, summarize - make a short statement of the main points of a passage, analyze - break something down into its parts, articulate - express clearly, cite - note, quote, refer to, point out,

Critical Verbs





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