Microbes - Another word for small living things, bacteria - a type of microbe e.g. Ecoli, virus - the smallest type of microbe e.g influenza or covid -19, fungi - The largest type of microbe can cause athletes foot, Yoghurt - bacteria can make this useful product, alcohol - yeast, a type of fungi, can make this useful product, diseases - bad microbes can cause this, agar plate - we can grow microbes on these in a lab or the classroom, Ecoli - a dangerous type of bacteria that can cause food poisoning , meningitis - bacteria can cause this disease (affects the brain), pneumonia - bacteria can cause this disease (affects the lungs), Cold - a virus can cause this illness (mostly caught in winter), Chickenpox - a virus can cause this illness (itchy, spotty rash),

S1 - Microbes and Health



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