1) What is the highlighted area called? a) cell b) row c) column d) box 2) What is the highlighted area called? a) cell b) row c) column d) line 3) What is the highlighted area called? a) cell b) row c) column d) line 4) What do we call the highlighted area? a) text b) names c) labels 5) What do we call the highlighted area? a) money b) values c) numbers 6) If you copy a formula down a column, what part of it changes? a) number b) letter c) both d) symbol 7) If you copy a formula across a row what changes? a) number b) letter c) both d) nothing 8) You created lists for people to use when filling in the spreadsheet. This is done to.... a) make it easy for them b) make sure they only put what you want c) it looks nice 9) Using a list like this is called.... a) verification b) validation c) virtual 10) You can add images to a spread sheet. a) true b) false 11) Why do we use cell references instead of the number? a) so that you know where it is b) so that you can change one of the values and it changes the answer 12) =IF(A3<75, Fail, Pass) The student result in A3 is 70. What will be printed in the cell where we have this formula? a) pass b) fail

Year 7 Spreadsheets DNA






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