1) I named all the animals that God created.   a) Abram b) Jacob c) Eve d) Adam 2) God asked me to give up my son but provided a substitute. a) Isaac b) Laban c) Abraham d) Hagar 3) I laughed when I was told I would have a child in my old age. a) Rachel b) Leah c) Rebekah d) Sarah 4) My father tricked Jacob into marrying me. a) Rebekah b) Rachel c) Dinah d) Leah 5) I wrestled with men & God, so God changed my name.  a) Ishmael b) Jacob c) Joseph d) David 6) My family & I were the only people saved from the great flood. a) Isaac b) Adam c) Jacob d) Noah 7) I am the 1st born son of Jacob and Leah. a) Reuben b) Judah c) Benjamin d) Naphtali 8) I chose the best land and moved my family to Soddom. a) Abraham b) Luke c) Laban d) Lot 9) God scattered us and confused our languages. a) The people on the ark b) Rachel’s children c) The people who built the tower of Babel d) The twelve tribes of Israel 10) I sold my birthright for a pot of stew. a) Esau b) Jacob c) Judah d) Isaac 11) I chose to bless Abraham, Isaac & Jacob and through them, all man-kind. a) God b) Mankind c) Nice people d) Tricksters 12) My offering was acceptable to the Lord. a) Cain b) Lot c) Adam d) Abel 13) I ran away when Sarah was cruel to me but I met the Lord in the desert. a) Rachel b) Eve c) Lots daughters d) Hagar 14) The angel said not to look back. I did & became a pillar of salt. a) Lot’s wife b) Noah’s wife c) Laban’s wife d) Dinah 15) I was not treated right by some foreign men. My brothers took revenge. a) Dinah b) Hagar c) Eve d) Rachel 16) Abrahams servant travel many miles to find me. I watered his camels. a) Rachel b) Leah c) Sarah d) Rebekah 17) I am a very famous and favorite son of Jacob & Rachel. My brothers sold me to travelers. I had a colorful coat.  a) Judah b) Rueben c) Benjamin d) Joseph 18) My tribe will become the priests and teach the people about God. a) Zebulon b) Levi c) Manasseh d) Dan 19) God sent a ram to be my substitute and saved me from being sacrificed. Jesus saves us by dying for OUR sins. a) Ishmael b) Jacob c) Joseph d) Isaac 20) These “men” visited Abraham then warned Lot to flee Sodom.   a) The angels of the Lord b) The sons of Noah c) The farmer of Mandrakes d) Cain & Abel 21) I had dreams no one could interrupt in my court. My baker knew a guy. His name was Joseph and he was in my prison. a) Phineas b) Joseph c) Pharaoh d) Peter 22) I am merciful, mighty, all-knowing, all-powerful, the creator, forgiving, loving, accessible, wise and many more things. a) Abraham b) Pharaoh c) Solomon d) Jehovah, God, Yahweh 23) My purpose is to indwell and to guide believers. I am one part of the Trinity. a) God, the Father b) God, the Holy Spirit c) God, the son d) The Angels 24) I came to earth as a baby, grew to be a strong man, took your sins to the cross and died, was buried in the tomb and on the 3rd day, rose again. I ascended to Heaven and some day I'll come back. a) Joseph b) Moses c) John the Baptist d) Jesus Christ, the Son of God

Genesis who am I?






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