adequate - sufficient for a specific need or requirement, conceivable - possible to consider, praise - glorify sth, to express positive judgement, scrutinize - to examine sth closely and carefully, feasible - possible; capable of being done or carried out, supervise - to be in charge of, prevalent - existing very commonly or happening often, put the burden on - to make (sbd) hold or carry something heavy or accept or deal with something difficult, stand out - when something differs because it’s better, domestic duties - tasks performed inside a household, equitable - fair and reasonable, tackle - make determined efforts to deal with, discern - to see, recognize, or understand something that is not clea, disruptive - causing disruption; innovative or groundbreaking, diversity - the state of being diverse; variety, deem - have your own opinion about something, breadwinner - a person in a family who provides eatables for other family members,

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