1) Which of the following things is an example of baggage? a) a suitcase b) an airport c) a ticket d) a train 2) A border is a line on a map that separates two ... a) people b) countries c) hotels d) lakes 3) At which of the following places can you check-in? a) a cruise ship b) an airport c) a hotel d) all of the above 4) Which of the following words means depart? a) stand b) leave c) sit d) arrive 5) The opposite of a domestic flight is an ... flight. a) internal b) interesting c) international d) inexpensive 6) Your destination means the place that you ... a) like b) don't like c) are travelling from d) are travelling to 7) The opposite of an entrance is an ... a) embassy b) exit c) airport d) arrival 8) A '... -book' can give you useful information when you travel. a) travel b) guide c) map d) tour 9) Many people will probably want to ... when they see a landmark. a) eat something b) buy a ticket c) take a picture d) get on a train 10) Which of the following words means location? a) name b) price c) time d) place 11) At which of the following places might you sightsee? a) Egypt b) your hotel room c) an airport d) the Pacific Ocean 12) Which of the following things is a good example of a souvenir? a) a fridge magnet of Barcelona b) a keyring of the Eiffel Tower c) a T-shirt that says London d) all of the above 13) When a person travels for fun, he or she is a ...? a) tour guide b) tourist c) tour group d) all of the above

Travel Quiz





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