If I could have a futuristic device..., If I had more time..., If I could have any car in the world..., If I could change one thing about myself..., If I were given three wishes..., If I could travel back in time..., If I had only 24 hours to live..., If I were the leader of my country..., If I could speak perfect English..., If I had enough money..., If I could live anywhere in the world..., If I had to give up one thing..., If I could have a superpower..., If I didn't need to sleep..., If I could spend a day with any celebrity..., If I could make one change to the world..., If I could ask God a question..., If I could be somewhere else at this moment..., If I were invisible for a day..., If I could spend a week anywhere in the world....

Unreal Conditional - Speaking Practice





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