1) What's the name of this toy? a) teddy bear b) clown c) doll d) robot e) stick horse f) rubber ducky 2) What's the name of this toy? a) rubber ducky b) pinwheel c) yo-yo d) kite e) spinning top f) boomerang 3) What's the name of this toy? a) sand toys b) blocks c) marbles d) stickers e) puppets f) drums 4) What's the name of this toy? a) pinwheel b) skateboard c) stick horse d) balloon e) hula hoop f) slingshot 5) What's the name of this toy? a) Jack-in-the-box b) slingshot c) baby rattle d) doll e) boomerang f) stick horse 6) What's the name of this toy? a) hula hoop b) Jack-in-the-box c) Clown d) slingshot e) bicycle f) stick horse 7) What's the name of these toys? a) crayons b) blocks c) stickers d) puppets e) marbles f) sand toys 8) What's the name of this toy? a) spinning top b) slingshot c) hula hoop d) rocket e) yo-yo f) boomerang



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