a queue - a line of people waiting to enter a building, buy something etc., a bargain - something bought cheaply and giving good value for money, pay + for - to give someone money for something you buy or for a service, cash - coins or paper money, not cheques etc., purchase - the buying of something, spend - to use up or pay out money, label - a small written note fixed on something to say what it is, value - how much something is worth compared with its price, receipt- - a note saying that money has been received, try + on - to put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits and how it looks, charge - ask for money for a service or activity, customer service - helping customers in a polite way, discount - a special offer on a product, exchange - take something back to a shop and replace it with something else, online shopping - shopping on the internet, promotion - a lower price than usual for something, purchase- - something that you buy, receipt - a piece of paper you receive when you buy something, refund - money given back to you if you return something, send something back - return an item that you bought online,







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