1) Where do you get your news from? 2) How important is it for people to follow the news? 3) Do you think that news agencies sometimes tell lies to make a story more popular? 4) How much do you trust newspapers, television news, and news from the internet? Which is the most reliable source of information? 5) What kind of news stories interest you the most? 6) Do you think the news is too depressing? 7) How has technology changed the way we consume news? How has it changed how the news is reported? 8) What is the purpose of news companies in society? 9) What do you think about how the news is reported in your country? 10) Should news be more entertaining or informative? 11) What persuasive strategies make fake news seem to be true? 12) What topics are likely to be the focus of fake news? 13) Why are some topics better than others? 14) What makes a topic a good choice for fake news? 15) What kind of details need to be included? 16) What kind of details would probably be left out? 17) What audiences are likely to believe a fake news story? 18) What circumstances would make a fake news story more believable? 19) How does cultural background effect whether an audience believes fake news? 20) What personal experiences could affect whether an audience believes fake news? 21) What is the main purpose of a news company? 22) Do you believe that the main purpose of a news company is to inform people or monetize news? 23) What is fake news? 24) Do you believe what you hear on the news? Why? 25) Can you think of an example of fake news that destroyed a person’s life and future? 26) What do you think of the applications on the internet that generate fake news? 27) Do you follow the news? Why/Why not? 28) Where do you get your news from? 29) Do you follow mainstream news media? 30) Do you think fake news is a problem? Why? 31) Why are there fake news? 32) Have you noticed that nowadays no one is talking about fake news? – Why do you think this is happening? 33) Do you think that social media helps people to be informed and get news in a different perspective, free of news companies agenda? 34) Do you trust the media? Why? 35) Do you follow the news through the television, newspaper, or the internet? 36) Have you heard the concept “fake news”? – What is it? 37) Do you think news companies follow an agenda? 38) Have you noticed that when an article gets published you can find the exact or similar copy of that article in every single news website or blog? 39) Why do you think this is happening? 40) Do you think news companies care if the article they copy and reproduce is real or not? 41) Do you think that journalists should be accounted for their articles they produce? 42) What is the role of newspapers in society? 43) What sells newspaper? 44) Why do we buy newspapers? 45) Do you think that news is censored in some countries? 46) Is the news censored in your country? 47) Will newspapers disappear in the future? 48) What is your favorite section of the newspaper to read? 49) How often do you watch the news? 50) Do you make a point of watching the news? 51) Do you feel bad if you miss the news? 52) Which kind of news is the best for you? Why? 53) Do you think that the news is necessary? Why or why not? 54) What would the world be like without news? 55) Do you think the news tells us just information without giving its opinion? 56) Should the news give an opinion? 57) Do you think the news influences people too much? 58) Do you think the news is shocking now? 59) How has it changed over the years? 60) Do you think people need to know all the news? 61) What do people not need to know? 62) What do you think is the most important thing the news should report? 63) What was the most memorable news you ever watched? 64) If the news reported your week, what would be the headline? 65) Think of a news headline for the following countries: America, Britain, France, China, Australia, Indonesia, Russia, Germany. 66) Do you read the newspaper every day? 67) How often do you read the newspaper? 68) What newspaper do you read? 69) How much does the newspaper cost? 70) What kind of magazines do you like to read? 71) What is your favorite newspaper? 72) What is your favorite magazine? 73) Are magazines expensive in your country? 74) Do you enjoy reading a newspaper? 75) What sections of a newspaper do you like to read? 76) What are the different sections in a newspaper? 77) Do you think that reading a newspaper is a good way to improve your English? 78) What kinds of information can you get from the newspaper? 79) Do you like to keep up with current events? 80) If you are someone who usually follows the news, has there been a time when you decided to stop? Why and for how long? 81) Do you think it's important to read the newspaper and know what is going on in the world? Why or why not? 82) Do you trust the information you get from the news? 83) you are someone who usually follows the news, has there been a time when you decided to stop? Why and for how long? 84) What different types of newspapers do you read? 85) Do you read newspapers in other languages? 86) Is your hometown newspaper on the internet?
Conversation questions about News and Fake News
English activity
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