epidermis, dermis, hypodermis (subcutaneous layer), hair follicle, sebaceous (oil) gland, arrector pili muscle, eccrine sweat gland -for temp regulation, apocrine sweat gland - only found in armpits & groin area, blood vessels, fat (adipose) tissue, Ruffini endings (11) not on test, Krause end bulb (12) not on test, Meissner corpuscle (13) not on test, Pacinian corpuscles (14) not on test, Merkel discs (15) not on test, free nerve endings, keratinocytes, melanocytes, Langerhans cells , Stratum corneum, Stratum lucidum (only found in palms and soles), Stratum granulosum, Stratum  spinosum, Stratum basale.

Detailed Cross Section of Skin with Appendages and Strata





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