dactyloscopy - The study of fingerprint identification, minutiae - unique ridge patterns, core - the center of a loop or whorl, delta - a triangular shape found next to a loop, plastic - 3-dimentional prints on soft surfaces, patent - visible prints, latent - invisible prints, betillion - came up with method called anthropometry, galton - found out that all the people in the world fall into three fingerprint categories, henry - came up with the ten print card, iafis - the biometric fingerprint collection system used by the FBI, super glue fuming - a chemical method used for latent prints that leaves a white print, iodine fuming - a chemical method used for latent print development that leaves a reddish brown print, ninhydrin - a chemical method used to expose latent fingerprints that can take up to 10 days to develop, DFO - a chemical method used to develop latent fingerprints that requires a special light and filter,







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