SYNONYM: The boy could not recall (____) his password so he wrote it down. SYNONYM: The dark cumulonimbus clouds were an indication (____) of a thunderstorm headed in our direction. SYNONYM: My rain gouge overflowed during the storm because of the vast (____) amount of rain that fell. SYNONYM: The ice cube transitioned (____) from a solid to a liquid when it was left in the sun. SYNONYM: It is probable (____) that it will snow when it is below freezing outside. ANTONYM: She felt so good when the teacher gave her a ____ (insult) on her project. ANTONYM: He wanted to ____ (question) the teacher when she asked who knew the solution to the math problem. ANTONYM: Since she was so ____ (stiff) ,she was a good gymnast. ANTONYM: My mom's phone is so ____ (modern), it still flips open. ANTONYM: He is a very ____ (social) person and does not like to talk to others or go to parties.

using knowledge of synonyms and antonyms in sentences





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