1) Rome's first written law code - displayed on the Forum a) capitoline b) checks and balances c) law of twelve tables d) assemblies and tribunes 2) Your duty and responsibility to make your city better a) capitoline b) magistrates c) civic duty d) senate 3) Hill in Rome where the grandest temples stood a) patricians b) palatine c) capitoline d) consuls 4) Magistrates & Tribunes terms a) served for one year b) served for life 5) Senate and Assemblies term a) served for one year b) served for life 6) Upper class Romans a) palatine b) capitoline c) plebeians d) patricians 7) Lower class Romans a) palatine b) capitoline c) plebeians d) patricians 8) Two most powerful magistrates (presidents) a) patricians b) consuls c) senate d) forum 9) Rome's public meeting place: speeches, shopping, gladiator fights took place there a) veto b) forum c) consuls d) senate 10) Hill in Rome where the richest people lived a) capitoline b) plebeians c) consuls d) palatine 11) Rome's second branch of gov't: advised city leaders a) magistrates b) senate c) palatine d) assemblies 12) Rome's first branch of gov't: led the city a) magistrates b) senate c) tribunes d) assemblies 13) Rome's third branch of gov't: protected common people a) magistrates b) senate c) tribunes d) assemblies 14) Method of balancing power (rock, paper, scissors) a) capitoline b) assemblies and tribunes c) checks and balances d) consuls 15) To forbid or prohibit a) veto b) plebeians c) palatine d) senate 16) Romans created a new government with three parts called: a) tripartite b) tribunes c) senate d) checks and balances 17) Who elected magistrates? a) assemblies b) tribunes c) senate d) patricians 18) At first, who knew all the laws in Rome? a) patricians b) plebeians 19) The consuls were responsible to: a) lead the army b) protect the common people c) veto laws 20) This branch had the power to veto laws: a) assemblies b) tribunes c) senate d) magistrates

10.2 Roman Government Quiz






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