1) Creditor Paid a) zero tolerance b) ten percent tolerance c) variations permitted 2) Recording Fees a) zero tolerance b) ten percent tolerance c) variations permitted 3) Prepaid Interest a) zero tolerance b) ten percent tolerance c) variations permitted 4) Mortgage Broker Paid a) zero tolerance b) ten percent tolerance c) variations permitted 5) Amount Placed in escrow a) zero tolerance b) ten percent tolerance c) variations permitted 6) Unaffiliated Third Party if Shopping is Allowed a) zero tolerance b) ten percent tolerance c) variations permitted 7) Charges paid to third party service providers not required by creditor a) zero tolerance b) ten percent tolerance c) variations permitted 8) Paid to Affiliates of creditor a) zero tolerance b) ten percent tolerance c) variations permitted 9) Service which the customer CAN but DOESNT shop for a) zero tolerance b) ten percent tolerance c) variations permitted 10) Change in circumstance a) zero tolerance b) ten percent tolerance c) variations permitted

Tolerance Buckets- TRID






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