1) In the beginning, why did Yunus leave his people? a) He got angry with them for not believing b) He wanted to c) He went on vacation  d) Allah asked him to leave 2) Why did Prophet Yunus jump out of the boat during the storm? a) They did a raffle and his name was picked b) He wanted to swim c) He need to catch a fish 3) What did he do when the whale swallowed him a) He cried  b) He watched a movie c) He admit he made a mistake and made dua d) He went to sleep e) Nothing 4) How did Allah know what happened to Yunus inside the whale? a) Because Allah knows everything b) All of the above c) Because Allah can hear everything d) Because Allah can see everything 5) Why did Allah save Yunus from the stomach of the whale? a) Yunus used to worship and remember Allah a lot b) So that Yunus does not feel lonely c) Yunus made the whale feel sick d) Yunus screamed and complained a lot 6) What happened when Yunus went back to his people? a) They did not believe in Allah b) They kicked Yunus out of the town c) Only a few believed in Allah d) They all believed in Allah 7) What did the Prophet live on when The whale put him on the island a) Chocolate b) Avocados c) Fruits d) Meat 8) What happened to the Prophets skin after he was in the whales stomach for so long   a) It became shiny b) It began to ache  c) It turned blue d) It disappeared 9) What did Allah command to keep Yunus (AS) from aching  a) A tree to grow to shade him and to feed him  b) Nothing c) A fish to swim

Prophet Yunus





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