Why are people frightened of darkness? Are you?, When are you angry and what about?, Whom are you proud of?, When are you excited?, Is this school year different from last? if yes, how?, Do you have a great time in summer? What do you usually do?, Are adults different from old people? in what way?, Are you good at computer games/watching Youtube?, Is weekend different from weekdays for you? In what way?, Whom can you tell secrets?, Do you get on well with your school teachers? , Do you have a great time during your winter holidays? Why?, Is first teacher similar to the one you have now?, Do you imagine to be a famous blogger or sportsman?, What do you do when things go badly for you? (speak with friends, eat sweets, watch videos, clean, ...), Are you interested in photographing?, If your friend look horrible, do you tell this to her/him? .

Speaking 8 (teens)





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