Secure - To lock up or prepare for locking up, Seniority - Length of service as a FA which begins to accrue at the start of ground school, Space Available (SA) - A passenger paying for a fare without a guaranteed seat, Star Flight - The first flight of the day for each aircraft, it is imperative that these flights leave on time, Station Manager - A person in charge of all station functions withing his/her station, Sterile Flight Deck (Cockpit) - Regulation prohibits flight crew members from preforming any duties during a critical phase of flight except those required for the safe operation of the airplane, Stow - To store or place, Tail Wind - A ____ blowing from such direction that the principle effect is to advance the ground speed of an airplane in flight, Taxi - Movement of an A/C under its own power on the surface of the airport, Thru Passenger - A ____ traveling traveling beyond the first stopping point of a flight, Trip Pairing - Series of flights that are grouped together to make up a flying sequence, Turbulence - A weather condition causing a bumpy ride which may be classified in several catagories, Turn - A flight on which a FA leaves and returns to his/her domicile without a layover (only 2 legs of a flight), Unaccompanied Minor - A child ages 5-14 who is traveling alone, Walk Around - The exterior inspection of the aircraft by a flight crew member done during preflight and after each landing, Weight and Balance - The placement of passenger and cargo on an aircraft to keep it in balance, Adult - A passenger who has reached their thirteenth birthday, Carousel - A moving circular platform from which passengers my claim checked baggage, Child - A passenger who is at least two years of age but has not yet reached their thirteenth birthday, Crew Member - A qualified individual assigned to an air carrier for the performance of duties on an airplane, Crew Scheduling - The department that handles scheduling of all flight crews, Delay - Occurs when a flight operates behind schedule, Flight Attendant (FA) - A qualified individual assigned by the company to preform all duties required by the FAA in the cabin of the aircraft, Infant - A passenger under two years of age, Public Announcement (PA) - The public address system onboard an aircraft; or the announcements given to passengers using the public address system, Minimum Crew - The smallest number of FA's required by the FAA which is 1 working FA for each 50 seats on the aircraft, Evacuation - The emergency movement of passengers from an aircraft using all exits, Holding - A predetermined maneuver that keeps an aircraft within specific air space while waiting to descend, Aircraft Tail Number - An identification number painted on the end section of the aircraft, Forward - Toward the front of the aircraft,

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